Press Release: Free Animal ID Resources


March 15, 2011

Keeping up to date with Animal identification, processes, regulations, and new technology can be a full time task on its own. Livestock-ID blog continues to provide full resources for livestock producers, from current news and information articles, to listing links to resources, such as free ear tags for livestock.

You can read our current press release on free animal identification consulting. As we move forward with our blog, livestock producers and industry officials can stay current on topics such as animal disease traceability, new developments in products and services for livestock identification.

Livestock-ID is in the process of creating a bi-weekly newsletter, which will provide more in-depth information on all aspects of animal identification. We invite you all the sign up for the newsletter, as it will provide additional content, which might not be available on our blog.

The Livestock-ID newsletter is free and you can sign-up at anytime.

Cattle producers continueCattle Ear Tag to consult the Livestock-ID blog for up to date information on market issues, traceability implementation programs and more.

Animal identification has many benefits, not only to the public sector, but to cattle and livestock producers. Implementing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) along with livestock management software can provide many cost reduction benefits for basic herd management.

Press Release: Animal Identification 1st Year of Free Consulting.

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© 2011 Livestock-ID, Animal Identification Resources


About This Blog

Livestock-ID: Animal Identification Resources, is a blog dedicated to helping producers and professionals with the various types of Animal Identification. From RFID wand readers, to cattle management software. Providing tips and how to articles from A to Z.

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