Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) RFID Pilot


March 16, 2010

Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) RFID Pilot has begun.

The Canadian Sheep Federation had received over 63 applications for the RFID pilot project.

From the Sheep producer applications, the CSF had selected 25 producers to take part in the pilot project. The producers selected were from BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and the Maritimes.

The sheep producers range from small flocks, to large flocks. The RFID pilot is to determine the overall costs of implementing RFID for sheep producers. The pilot will also determine the overall benefits of animal identification as well.

The Alberta Lamb Producers have been omitted from the RFID pilot, because they are already in a Pilot, which is in its third year. The Alberta Lamb Traceability Project (LTP).

Sheep producers in Quebec (La Fédération des producteurs d'agneaux et moutons du Québec) have been omitted as well, RFID is mandatory in Quebec and reported to Agri-Traçabilité Québec (ATQ).

The Canadian Sheep Federation has allocated funding to fully refund and cover the costs of the RFID Pilot to the participating producers.

Sheep management software is fully refunded by the CSF at 100 percent, up to maximum of $700.00.

The RFID sheep tagtags_yellow_allflexs are also refunded 100 percent.

The following is the RFID sheep ear tags being used,  which are the yellow Allflex RFID button tag and the Shearwell Data SET tag with the official CSIP numbers. 

Hardware for the RFID pilot is a shared cost of 50 percent between the Canadian Sheep Federation and the participating Sheep producers.

Included in the cost sharing is the following.

Laptop computer up to $800.00

RFID Reader up to $1500.00

Scale indicators and load bars up to $2000.00

The sheep producers in the pilot have a choice of the manufactures and product variations they wish to use within the budgeted limits as indicated above.

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